Caring for you as we would for ourselves
Philippe Dussoix
Dr. med.

Philippe Dussoix

Chief of Emergency Department

Specialist in General Internal Medicine and hospital-based Emergency Care (Swiss Society of Emergency and Rescue Medicine - SSERM), Member of the Swiss Medical Association (FMH)

  • Contact
  • Presentation
  • Career
  • Training
  • Research and publications


+41 22 719 65 37

Consultations by appointment only.

Place of practice

  • Hôpital de La Tour
    Bâtiment B1
    Avenue J.-D. Maillard 3
    CH-1217 Meyrin

Medical specialties

Languages spoken

  • French
  • English
  • Portuguese

Professional activities

2002 - 2012
Accredited Attending Physician in the Anesthesia and Analgesia Department Hôpital de Morges, Switzerland
2006 - 2011
Medical Adviser to Touring Club Suisse for Livret ETI travel insurance (second opinion in case of repatriation/hospitalization abroad and medical oversight of trip cancellations)
Since 2004
Joint Chief of Emergency Department Hôpital de La Tour, Geneva, Switzerland
2002 - 2004
Assistant Chief of Emergency Department Hôpital de La Tour, Geneva, Switzerland
2001 - 2002
Anesthesia Assistant working in Service Mobile d'Urgence et Réanimation ­ SMUR (Mobile Emergency and Resuscitation Service), Intensive Care and Interventional Analgesia District Hospital, Morges, Switzerland
1998 - 2002
Freelance activity for repatriations on health grounds SOS International
1998 - 2002
Freelance activity for urgent consultations at home SOS Médecin
1999 - 2001
Deputy Chief Resident (Prof. F. Waldvogel) with rotations in the Emergency Department University hospitals and Hôpital Beau-Séjour, Geneva, Switzerland
1998 - 1999
Resident in the Intensive Care Unit and the Emergency Department Hôpital de La Tour, Geneva, Switzerland
1995 - 1998
Resident in the Internal Medicine Department, Clinique de Médecine II (Prof. F. Waldvogel) Geneva University Hospitals, Geneva, Switzerland

Teaching activities

Since 2017
Tutor in Emergency Ultrasound on the AURUS (Association des Urgentistes et Réanimateurs intéressés par l'UltraSonographie – Association of emergency and intensive care medics involved in ultrasound) course as part of Swiss emergency ultrasound training

Degrees and qualifications

2014 - 2018
Training in emergency ultrasound to obtain AFC (Certificate of advanced training)
AFC (Certificate of advanced training) in Hospital Emergency Medicine, Swiss Society of Emergency and Rescue Medicine (SSERM)
AFC (Certificate of advanced training) in Interventional Pain Management, Swiss Society of Interventional Pain Management
AFC (Certificate of advanced training) in Emergency Medicine, Swiss Society of Emergency and Rescue Medicine (SSERM) (recertified in 2008 and 2013)
FMH-accredited specialist in Internal Medicine
Doctorate in Medicine
Medical degree Faculty of Medicine, Université de Génève, Geneva, Switzerland
